Saturday, May 27, 2006
haix.. many tings happen tis pass few weeks..
didnt hav much time to blog.. cause got pos..
hahax.. pos was FUN.. and i get to neo alot of
good frens in it.. we oways hav laughter in it..
nv regret of joinin tis year.. though commitment
is high.. but at least i get to learn how to dance..
how to be open.. and make many new frens..
hahaxx.. jux hop one day will nv part.. haix..
sob.. nvm.. ytd was a super bad day.. actually
the pass few days was oso bad.. ok nvm.. ptm
sux man.. was lik hell.. don wana say wat happen..
cause its super meaningless.. and i feel lik dyin now.
so ya.. today cell was great.. and we went shoppin wif
beth, clair, tai and me.. to marina square.. and i bought
a new high heels.. hahaxx. so nice.. so happi.. lolx
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities